A next generation vending machine with innovative platform and engineering so as to providing maximum operating efficiency and flexibility. Excellent capacity for small locations with base stand or can be mounted on buses/coaches for selling bottled drinks.International norms, In conformity with CE Norms and produced under ISO 9001: 2015 QMS.High performance Micro-processor controlledCompatible…
3Compact water Vending Machines, specially made of Buses.Single selection Column Vending Machine – 33 product capacity – 500 ml Bottles32-bit high-quality ARM MicroprocessorFixed Payment system via Coin SelectorRobust Metal CasingDouble – Level Lock MechanismStatic Cooling System maintaining the temperature at +8oC via Mechanic ThermostatSecure Double-Fuse protected Electrical system.A standard…
3Cooling system combined with latest vending technology packed in a compact size machine. This machine is designed to provide Low temperatures at user friendly power usage PAYMENT SYSTEMS (OPTIONAL) CAPACITIVE TOUCH KEYPAD CHANGE GIVER MAX SIZE/CAPACITY RATIO COIN SELECTOR FAST & RELIABLE SERVICE BILL VALIDATOR PECULIAR DESIGN CASHLESS PAYMENT SYSTEMS DIGITAL PIN CODE ENTRY GSM/GPRS TELEMETRY SYSTEM…
5VEND-ICE Midi provides a freezing temperature system combined with the latest vending technology packed in a compact size machine. This machine is designed to provide Low Temperatures at user friendly power usage PAYMENT SYSTEMS (OPTIONAL) CAPACITIVE TOUCH KEYPAD CHANGE GIVER MAX SIZE/CAPACITY RATIO COIN SELECTOR FAST & RELIABLE SERVICE BILL VALIDATOR PECULIAR DESIGN CASHLESS PAYMENT SYSTEMS DIGITAL…
863TheMaxi-Buffet® is a high-capacity full-view glass-front combination vending machine which can dispense snacks and cold drinks at different temperature zones. It's robust built is designed to withstand various conditions ranging from crowded train-stations to the hot tropical climates. Ideal vending machine for crowded international airports, metro, or bus stations, universities, colleges and other…